my zines
Giallo Zine | I originally made Giallo Zine for the annual Hallozeen zine swap event (make a zine, send in 10 copies, get 10 random zines back!) in 2022. I wanted to print more copies for a zine fair I tabled at earlier this year but couldn't find the original files! So I had to reconstruct it using one I printed back then, and ended up making a few edits as a result. |
Midge Appreciation Zine | I LOVE MIDGE! I think she's incredibly cute. This zine was born out of that love. I think if I could go back I would add text to this zine, specifically talking about why I like Midge. Maybe I'll make another one someday? It's likely! |
"Nui Days" Personal Zine | This is a "perzine" about how putting a little plushie in my bag helped with my anxiety around being alone in public and going to public places alone. I was a little bit nervous about sharing this one because even though it's not deeply personal it's still... exploring something deeper than I usually do. |
"Playmates" Retro Toy Art Zine | I love retro toys (y'know, like Midge). This zine is just some drawings of a few. It was a fun lil project. |
"Listen to the Band" Monkees Playlist Zine | I made this Monkees zine for a music themed zine showcase. It's essentially just talking about some songs I like by them; I would love to make some more "playlist" type zines in the future. |
"JASON LIVES" A Franchise Autopsy (or something like that) | I watched all the Friday the 13th movies last year. It was actually my second attempt (a few years prior I watched the first 2 but didn't feel, uh, compelled enough to continue) and this time... I did it. The zine is part honest thoughts, part "can you believe they did this", part "what i wish had happened based on the promises of the title". |